frequently asked questions

To make a investment you must first become a member of Chain Crowd Limited . Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member username and password you receive when signup.

It's quite easy and convenient. Follow this link, fill in the registration form and then press "Register".

Login to your account using your username and password and check the Withdraw section.

Log into your Chain Crowd Limited account and click on the "Account Information". You can change your e-mail address and password there.

Check the right of the entered information. Displayed errors can help you, they show where you have made mistakes. Sometimes it could be browser issue. Try to change your browser or turn off any translator if you use it. If you need further assistance don't hesitate to contact us.

To make a Deposit, you must first become a member of Chain Crowd Limited. Once you are signed up, you can make your first Deposit. All deposits must be made through the Member Area. You can login using the member username and password you provided when signup.

A user can make deposits in his or her account as they want. There is no limit on the number of deposits that a user can make into their account.

Yes, you can reinvest. However, we do not allow compounding of investments from your account balance.

Yes, you can get a referral commission without making a personal deposit.

Any client can have only one account per IP/Family/Payment account. In the event of multiple registrations from your computer we have rights to suspend all of your accounts. et.

These funds are managed by a team of Chain Crowd Limited experts.